Hello you. This post is directed to anyone who needs a little motivation in life to live it to the fullest that they can. At the end of the day, it is said that you only live once so we must make the most of this opportunity we have been gifted with and achieve everything that we want to do without looking back with regrets. Take courage and begin facing your fears Instead of holding back of what you want to do, just do it. Stop creating a situation in your head of what might happen and what will go wrong and instead think...
Let me introduce you to Happy Mind. An innovative aesthetic online magazine which discusses topics of mental health, life, and beauty dedicated to the young. So, let me introduce myself. Hello there, my name is Ciara, I am 16 years old and have a passion for writing my thoughts on the internet. I created this platform in order to chat with fellow people like me that can relate to the topics I will be discussing. Happy Mind is a place of happiness so positive vibes only here! In the near future, I dream to make an artsy magazine dedicated to Happy Mind and I...
Christmas time has finished, but not when I still have 10 Christmas bath bombs and bubble bars sitting on my shelf from Lush. When I went to London, I had to visit Lush Oxford Street and purchase a few bath bombs, in which I did so and might have bought a lot making my storage for my bath bombs overload. However, I never get bored of Lush and I always pop inside their stores whenever I can smell one (seriously though you can sometimes smell the store from a few feet away). LUXURY LUSH PUD My favourite bath bomb that they bring back out...
During the Christmas period on the 16th and 17th of December, my Mum and I visited London for 24 hours. I must say it was very busy but, the atmosphere was so lively and festive. We visited places such as Oxford Street, Regent-Street, New Bond Street, the London Collesium, and the Swindon shopping outlet. First of all, we went to Oxford Street, one of my favourite places in London due to the fabulous shops including; Lush, Selfridges, Zara, John Lewis and many more. We took a visit to the huge Lush store in which there are 3 floors for all of your makeup...
On the 18th of October, I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Fashion Museum, with my Nan, in Bath. I have a keen interest in fashion so, I was very excited to have been given the opportunity to look around the museum. Of course, I took some photos and I am here now to explain and show how amazing the Fashion Museum really is. The museum celebrates fashion from the 1600s to present day. And the walkthrough includes; a history of fashion in 100 objects, lace in fashion and, dressing up (for those that want to really see and feel what the...