What is Happy Mind?
13:04:00, by CiaraLet me introduce you to Happy Mind. An innovative aesthetic online magazine which discusses topics of mental health, life, and beauty dedicated to the young.
So, let me introduce myself.
Hello there, my name is Ciara, I am 16 years old and have a passion for writing my thoughts on the internet. I created this platform in order to chat with fellow people like me that can relate to the topics I will be discussing.
Happy Mind is a place of happiness so positive vibes only here!
In the near future, I dream to make an artsy magazine dedicated to Happy Mind and I would love to make that dream come true so this is where I am starting that dream and I would love for you guys to support me along the way by doing something as little as reading my posts, commenting your thoughts and feelings, keeping up with me on social media, or even contributing to my blog here

I will be focusing on personal issues, events, advice, and stories. Which is all coming from a teenage perspective and I would love to use my voice to connect with other people who are just like me and dealing with the same issues.
Pictured above is some beautiful artwork by Erin Aniker of a woman listening to music which is allowing her to realize her true self. This piece of artwork has inspired me to change my platform and use it for something positive.
I am excited to start this journey on my blog Happy Mind and you can keep up with me here
Twitter: ohhappymind
Email: ohhappymind@gmail.com

This art work is just amazing!
Ellie x